A toolkit to objectively analyse design. Structure, visuals and communication.

Untangle visual experiences into their objective parts. Understand your design’s shortcomings and bridge the gap between expectation and reality.

Truly understand how your product looks, talks and vibes.

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Test how your websites look on web, mobile and any custom screen size
Websites need to be tested for different screen sizes. On Cassini, you can get specific reviews for different screen sizes by capturing them using the browser extension.
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Overlay designs on websites to compare and spot differences between them
Cassini makes it incredibly intuitive to find deviations that rise during development. Just overlay the original design on your website to quickly spot the differences.
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Use grids to inspect visuals and rectify them
Cassini is made to minimise the review time so that you can focus on the main work. With the grid tool, developers can quickly inspect the elements that do not abide by the layout, making it easier to keep your product pixel-perfect.
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Track platform details with website metadata captured within screenshots
Keeping track of multiple devices, browsers, and versions is useful while debugging. Cassini automatically captures this metadata along with other key metrics so that you can focus on the annoying bug.
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Collaborate with designers while developing websites
It is easy to get lost in translation when taking over from designers. Cassini’s robust commenting serves as the perfect space to get clarification on design decisions and keep track of any ad-hoc changes that may come during development.
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