A workspace for design to thrive on knowledge,tooling and teamwork

Share your work directly from Figma & Sketch. Conduct useful reviews, analyse your designs, collect research and access it on Figma & Sketch while you work.

Design reviews with clear focus and fewer words

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Multi-pin comments Attachments
Help your team write better comments during reviews
Comments on cassini allow file attachments that can be previewed on click. This helps reviewers illustrate their point better with references.Further, with multi pin comments your reviewers can say less and communicate more.
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Comment groups Actionables
Set actionables and organize comments into groups to get to the facts faster
With larger teams, reviews often get messy. Having well structured reviews goes a long way in getting work done in Design. Cassini lets you combine comments into contextual groups to keep the comment panel sane.
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Stay inspired with creative collections and discussions around them.

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Collect screenshots
Use our chrome plugin to grab any screenshot from the web and organise it on Cassini right there
Doesn't matter where you are on the web, use our chrome plugin to capture what you like, and save it in the right Cassini set from the plugin.
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Duplicate public sets
Duplicate useful design patterns on Cassini to your own cassini dashboard
The team at Canvs, while testing out Cassini, also ended up getting a rich reference of design patterns and inspirations up on Cassini workspace. We've kept it public for you to explore and use them for your works. Just duplicate the sets and it's saved in your workspace.
Explore design patterns

Sync your work from your workspace and download images from Cassini

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Sync designs
Sync your designs directly from your tools
Directly push screens from design tools like Figma and Sketch to the Cassini workspace in order to kickstart a review and feedback cycle with Cassini’s plugins for Figma & Sketch. This helps build a coherent system without the need for a third-party platform to handle the porting of designs.
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Download references directly into Figma when
Your workspace in Cassini allows you to make comments by dropping pins on the designs.
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Run a tight ship with better documentation around design decisions

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Version History
Track design evolution with versions
With each iterative change, it is important to have a view of the previous state and changes made to make better design decisions. Version History feature in Cassini ensures there is always a view of all the iterative changes leading upto the final output.
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Design documentation
Log your design decisions
You can always revisit the old designs and have the design decisions documented for future reference and cross team collaborations. This helps to maintain a knowledge bank and serves as a strong documentation base.
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