Cassini powers
Design discussions

Review your designs, your websites and collect screenshots all in one place

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Explore Cassini
Focused design discussions, from research to reviews to handoff
Review any webpage or parts of it
Our Chrome Plugin makes it possible to grab any webpage 
or parts of it. Use it to review and collect references.
Capture various sizes automatically
Cassini let’s you capture mobile, tab, desktop and 
any custom screensize for websites in one click.
Features that help discussions move forward
Review smart
Collaborate effectively

Tools that help you review

Grids and Overlays

Ensure your designed screens are perfectly aligned down to the pixel

Compare product screenshots with your designs to spot issues instantly

Built for everyone in a product team

Built for everyone in a product team

Pull in references using the figma plugin and push designs to any set in CassiniView plugins
Pull in references using the figma plugin and push designs to any set in Cassini
Cassini lives wherever you work, as it should
Use Cassini’s Sketch and Figma Plugin to export directly from your workspace.
Chrome Extension Screenshot
Capture anything from your browser
Chrome extension for research & QA
Capture anything your find interesting instantly where you are and save it to your Cassini workspace without going anywhere.
Figma /Sketch plugin
Upload work and download Images
Figma /Sketch creator plugin
Upload your designs directly from your workspace. Additionally, download any image from Cassini views directly into your Figma/Sketch workspace