Unite your full workflow with Cassini.
Cassini provides plugins to keep you truly connected with your work whether you are designing, reviewing or just browsing the internet.
Capture entire pages or selections anywhere.
Captures are automatically saved to your selected sets, so you never lose them.
cassini chrome snapshot 1
cassini chrome snapshot 1
Capture in multiple ways
Review any web app or landing page
Organize your screenshots in sets
Create sets directly from the plugin

Latest feature
Inspect websites or builds right in your browser
Build products in perfect parity with your design with Dev mode tools
cassini chrome-dev snapshot 1
cassini chrome-dev snapshot 1
Keep designs handy while you build
Overlay designs to maintain accuracy
Inspect code and compare styles
Test for responsive breakpoints

Direct upload and downloads between Figma and Cassini Sets
Anything you save in Cassini is available to download directly into your Figma canvas.
cassini figma snapshot 1
cassini figma snapshot 1
Push multiple frames to Cassini
Download images back into Figma
Create new Cassini sets directly from Figma

Direct upload and downloads between Sketch and Cassini Sets
Anything you save in Cassini is available to download directly into your Sketch canvas.
cassini sketch snapshot 1
cassini sketch snapshot 1
Push multiple artboards to Cassini
Download images back into Sketch
Create new Cassini sets directly from Sketch