
Drop a line if you face any issues with Cassini, or have ideas that can improve the product.

Upload your designs and comment on them
Your workspace in Cassini allows you to make comments by dropping pins on the designs. These comments can be grouped, loaded with attachments, made into actionables and more as we’ll see in the sections below.
Capture any live website and share your notes on it with your team
Use either our Chrome Plugin or enter a domain name on the web product to start capture and comment on a website.
Give better feedback with feature rich commenting
Cassini has built a review layer unlike any other product existing in the market today. With this you can:
Create comment groups
Your workspace in Cassini allows you to make comments by dropping pins on the designs. These comments can be grouped, loaded with attachments, made into actionables and more as we’ll see in the sections below.
Create multi pin comments
Use either our Chrome Plugin or enter a domain name on the web product to start capture and comment on a website.
Add attachments to comments
Your workspace in Cassini allows you to make comments by dropping pins on the designs. These comments can be grouped, loaded with attachments, made into actionables and more as we’ll see in the sections below.
Turn comments into Actionables
Use either our Chrome Plugin or enter a domain name on the web product to start capture and comment on a website.
Collect visual references from anywhere on the web
Us product makers are constantly saving relevant design references when we find them online on and off work. We built Cassini’s chrome plugin exactly for this so you can maintain your secondary research whenever you stumble upon something useful.
Create comment groups
Your workspace in Cassini allows you to make comments by dropping pins on the designs. These comments can be grouped, loaded with attachments, made into actionables and more as we’ll see in the sections below.
Create multi pin comments
Use either our Chrome Plugin or enter a domain name on the web product to start capture and comment on a website.
All your research collected and structured in the right place inside your Cassini account, always at arms length when you need them.
Capture various standard and custom website resolutions simultaneously
Cassini’s product allows you to automatically fetch various screen resolutions so you can check the responsive behaviour of your website while doing your design QA.
Push designs directly from Figma and Sketch to Cassini: For Designers
Cassini is a product for the entire team, designers and design enablers. We built creator plugins for both Figma and Sketch so your design (or creative) team can push their work directly from their workspaces into Cassini where the team exists
Pull visual references from Cassini back to where you are creating your designs
Finally to close the loop, all the research that you or the team does via the chrome plugin is accessible to your design (or creative) team to pull back into their Figma and Sketch canvasses, via the same plugins mentioned above.